Friday 19 December 2014


Neurosis is here defined as a negative or non useful belief.

To believe that what you are or what you have is the product of your own efforts is neurosis. This applies to beliefs that your value is more or less than it actually is. It is not necessary to have any beliefs regarding your worth or value. We believe we are more because our true belief is that we are less. Because we believe that we are less, which is neurotic we compound this error by pretending we are more. A by-product of believing you are more is the tendency to see everyone else as less. Neurotic beliefs about your worth as being either more or less soon becomes a web of tangled negative beliefs increasingly out of touch with any kind of useful view of reality. If you are born into a life  of poverty it may seem natural to believe that you are less especially as those around you, family friends and others will be likely to confirm by their actions and behaviour that this is indeed the case. If you are born into a life of power and privilege this too will be confirmed by those around you. Whether you are born into circumstances of poverty privilege or anything else your root belief will be the same-that you are less. The reason for this is that any belief regarding your worth is neurotic and as such is untrue, the only reason for coming to this conclusion is a negative one which again implies that our true belief is that we are less. This root belief unites all of humanity in the same neurosis. What we see in the world is neurosis everywhere we look and in a multitude of forms. Whatever form the neurosis takes its end result will always be suffering. Suffering is an indication of the beginning of healing when we are ready for this healing to take place, although we may try to avoid suffering by creating more complex neuroses this is a strategy doomed to failure and implies that we are not yet ready for the healing to begin. Freedom and peace are not to be found in any neurotic belief although paradoxically they are found when we realise that our suffering is showing us in detail the connection between our neurotic beliefs and our suffering. In time we become interested in our own neurosis and begin to see the patterns of particular neurotic beliefs and how suffering results from these patterns but equally how when these patterns are understood the suffering dissolves.
 The implications of the universality of neurosis may be difficult to comprehend for to comprehend  these implications would change our view of the world forever. It is not just some who are neurotic it is much more likely that almost all are neurotic, this includes our psychiatrists and others who work in that field who by the way tend to make up the rules about what neurosis is and who is or is not neurotic. It is not a minor problem it is the beginning of all major problems. Most of those involved in religion or spirituality also tend to be deeply neurotic and the primary reason for this is that these people are strangely the least likely to want to look at their own neurosis preferring instead to keep their focus on the higher realms. It is generally the neurotic who need religion and spirituality so as to not have to look at their own neurosis.

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