Saturday 28 May 2016

Rules of Creation Part 1

1. Svatantrah Kartaa
He who has the potential within himself.

Potential here refers to the source of creation. Anything that can be or has been created is created from this source. In Sanskrit this source is referred to as the ’system’ within oneself. Anything  can be created from multiple universes to anger. If it is not created it does not exist. To create, a wish or intention (Sankalpa) is required. This intention may be conscious or unconscious, known or unknown. Anger is an example of an unconscious intention. There is the intention to create anger while at the same time the intention to forget why this emotion needed to be created.  In this sense many aspects of human life are created unconsciously. Once created there must be a consequence to what has been created. This consequence manifests as responsibility and it is through this responsibility that we learn, that is, the physical and mental results of our actions. All that is known is also all that we have created and we are responsible for what we create. The result of what we create can be pain or pleasure, ignorance or wisdom. All that can be created carries with it a consequence until it is understood exactly what creation is. From the moment we are born until the moment the body dies we are in the business of creation. All that can be created can only be created from that potential that is at the heart of what we really are. When the baby that is just born suckles on the mothers breast it is able to do this with the knowledge the child is born with. This can be seen as genetic or instinctive knowledge. Much of what the body learns to do is from a potential we are born with. Walking, talking, eating, urinating non of these could occur without the potential that is the source of all creation. This potential or ability to create is sometimes referred to as Siva and what is created is referred to as Shakti. In quantum theory Siva is wave and Shakti is particle. Everything we have learned so far is due to the potential we are born with. This potential can be likened to electricity or an energy that can be used to power all the many devices that are in use in the world today. Even with electricity and the device say a television it is still necessary to want to use the electricity and the television and if not it remains dormant. When we are born this potential becomes the means to remember what we really are which could be said to be the potential itself. To create something it is necessary to activate the potential, to activate the potential a Sankalpa or intention is necessary. This intention may be conscious or unconscious. Suffering can only exist because we have activated our potential with an intention that is unconscious. To be angry it is necessary to be unconscious that is to be unaware of why we have created a state of anger. Anger could not exist unless we are in an unconscious state and to be in an unconscious state it is necessary that this be an intention in other words we could not be unconscious unless we wanted to be unconscious. The only reason we could want to be unconscious is because it is easier to be unconscious than conscious. This can be proved quite easily by choosing to meditate, it will be seen very soon that there is much resistance to this intention. Meditation is the art of learning to be conscious or awake and it can be done formally through a technique or naturally through living your life fully awake. Either way the resistance to being awake will kick in and create obstacles to hinder this particular creation. To counteract this it is necessary to create an intention that is pure and non personal this would be something like ‘I intend to be awake and conscious so that suffering ends for myself and all beings and that this intention will persevere through all obstacles and resistance however long that may take’. This then is the ultimate use of our potential and leads to the realisation that we are that potential. “I am That’. ‘That’ in Sanskrit refers to the Absolute.

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