Tuesday 9 August 2016

Conversation with Ishi

Hmm, Ray I just reread this part 5 (Rules of Consciousness) 

I will read it again later....these are powerful words 

Sri Harilal Poonjaji aka Papaji, whom I had the good fortune to spend some time with allowed David Godman to write a biography of him......it was thee volumes long--full of extraordinary happenings and visions as well as a very common man just doing his thing working for a living and "working" with devotees.....more than 1000pages were these 3 volumes taken together.....Papaji himself, I am sure, chose the title: NOTHING EVER HAPPENED 

your words indicate to me why Papaji must have chosen this title. Om Shanti, brother Ishi

Hi Ishi I agree in the light of this knowledge nothing ever happened it is a world of make believe in which we believe what we imagine

Love Ray Namaste,

Ray  Chai pio?.....or maybe a cup of English Tea, with sweetner on the side?

Would not the logical extrapolation of "Nothing Ever Happened" be "nothing is happening"?  I ask you...I ask papaji...i ask myself 

This stillness can be a bit breath taking.....this vastness can seem overwhelming to the conceptual self....yet there is this sense of intimacy with existence, as existence......and the bird "seemed" to enjoy the crust of toast. 

I was just sitting in my nephew's backyard in the desert town of Tuscon, Arizona in Western USA en-joy-ing myself with a cup of the all-american drug, coffee. Sight, sound, thought, perception are "there", but what is Here Ishi asks himself/yourself. Obviosuly, to jump from sight and sound to concepts like "bird", "tree", "self" "other", etc is merely that--conceptual reality based in belief about how I think things Are. 

Sat-Chit-Anand-Self.....if I may borrow a concept from good ole Ribhu.....is a good dance floor! Thank you for sharing the Rays of Light.....they intensify and magnify the light within what is conventionally called "me"....HeHeHe....Haha 

Namaste, Ishi 

Hi Ishi, as you suggest I am asking myself this question - to extrapolate nothing ever happened would indicate as you say that nothing is happening. We can only talk about something happening or not by inventing beliefs, therefore without beliefs it makes sense to say that nothing is happening even though saying this would clearly be a belief. Allowing that anything I say can be taken as a belief I nevertheless enjoy this kind of question. There is a wonderful paradox here, to say something is happening suggests there is a someone who experiences this happening, this notion breaks down when looked at closely. As I said in my rules of creation this someone can be identified as the ego and this in turn has no true existence being nothing more than a bundle of beliefs and concepts. Also the ego can be seen as a particular state of evolution. It is also clear that there is another evolutionary step that comes after this step. In this next evolutionary level the ego does not disappear but is seen through the filter of consciousness. Through the filter of consciousness any thing we may say about anything is stripped of any absolute meaning but from the perspective of a human being retains a relative meaning of useful or not. The big questions like ‘is anything happening’ does not fall under this category as again it would suggest there is a someone who experiences this happening. The next evolutionary level involves seeing from the perspective of ‘one’ where separation  is seen to be illusory. When the mind is still the notion of things appearing separate dissolves in terms of meaning but not in terms of appearance. It seems that colour is an invention of the mind/ego so it can be said to not actually exist even so the appearance of colour from a human perspective is definitely useful and quite extraordinary. Krishnamurti often said that ‘god is colour’. When this next evolutionary step takes place there is the ability to see the ‘one’ and the many simultaneously but it is also seen which of these two is real or significant. This is important because when we just see the appearance of something and take this to be absolute or significant then we become trapped in a world of suffering. Suffering can be said to be the method by which the absolute returns us to the truth. Nothing is happening and everything is happening all at the same time, the creation of separation can now be seen as a reflection of the absolute and because separation is now seen to be illusory the ‘one’ and the many can be seen as identical. Everywhere God looks he sees himself and loves what he sees.  Namaste Ray

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